Gymnasiums and Outdoor Courts

Securing gym and outside court facilities is a constant challenge for PVYBL. Since Palos Verdes has no Community Center or ‘Parks and Rec’ gyms, we primarily play at the gyms and playgrounds at local public schools. 

We understand that League parents and kids get frustrated when the League gets ‘bumped’ from a gym at the last minute, causing last-minute cancellations or schedule changes. Per school district policy, the League can be ‘bumped’ at any time and for any reason, without notice, despite having paid-up permits in hand that have been signed off at both the school and District level. We try to minimize the occurrence and impact of such instances through good communication and organization, but sometimes there is just no good alternative to mitigate the impact to our kids and families. The age and condition of PVPUSD facilities also means they are sometimes unavailable to us due to maintenance or other issues. 

PVYBL enjoys a good relationship with the Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District, and we appreciate the opportunity to use District gyms and playgrounds for games and practices. Many people are surprised to learn that these facilities are not made available to the League on a complimentary basis. Per PVPUSD’s facilities policies as approved by the School Board, PVYBL pays $100 per hour to use a gymnasium and $20 per hour to use an outdoor playground court, plus additional custodial fees. These PVPUSD fees for games and practices are one of the League’s biggest expenses and represent a large portion of your child’s registration fee. 

If you are frustrated by the lack of available gym facilities we encourage you to advocate for local Parks and Rec facilities, get involved with PVPUSD’s facilities committees, look at how other school districts have funded additional gyms, and consider supporting a future PVPUSD facilities bond issue. The most recent bond issue would have funded the construction of additional gymnasiums, but was voted down. 

Parking at Peninsula High

Parking at Peninsula High School can at times be limited but there should be plenty of parking for everyone. On Sunday mornings, due to the exclusivity agreement between the Farmers Market and the School District, no other organization is allowed to park in the aisles adjacent to the Field House Gym/ Football Stadium. 

Please park only in the spaces highlighted in green on the map below. We are allowed to park in the 2 aisles directly in front of the main gym, the strip of parking spots in front of the classrooms, the staff parking lot on the corner of Silver Spur and Hawthorne, and any of the street parking spots on Silver Spur.  

Please do not park in any of the parking spots highlighted in red on the map below. Violators will be towed at their own expense! 

Parking in a through lane or fire lane is strictly prohibited and may result in sanctions from the league.